The AMICUS Public Domain Software Library By John Foust (c) July 22, 1987 This software is collected from user groups and electronic bulletin boards around the nation. Each disk is nearly full, and is fully accessible from the Workbench. The programs in the library are freely distributable. If source code is provided for any program, then the executable version is also present. This means that you don't need the C compiler to run these programs. An exception is granted for those programs only of use to people who own a C compiler. Note: Each description line below may include something like 'S-O-E-D', which stands for 'source, object file, executable and documentation'. Any combination of these letters indicates what forms of the program are present. These disks are available through Amazing Computing magazine. They are $7 for non-subscribers, $6 for subscribers. A catalog of all the AMICUS Network Public Domain Software library disks and the Fred Fish disks is printed in each issue of the magazine. Send inquiries to this address: PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE Amazing Computing PIM Publications P.O. 869 Fall River, Mass. 02722 ================================================================ AMICUS 1 ABasic programs: Graphics 3DSolids 3d solids modeling program, with sample data files Blocks draws blocks Cubes draws cubes Durer draws pictures in the style of Durer FScape draws fractal landscapes Hidden 3D drawing program, with hiddne line removal JPad simple paint program Optical draw several optical illusions PaintBox simple paint program Shuttle draws a picture of the Shuttle in 3d wireframe SpaceArt graphics demo Speaker speech utility Sphere draws spheres Spiral draws color spirals ThreeDee 3d function plots Topography artificial topography Wheels draws circle graphics Xenos draws fractal planet landscapes ABasic programs: Tools AddressBook simple database program for addresses CardFile simple card file database program Demo multiwindow demo KeyCodes shows keycodes for a key you press Menu run many ABasic programs from a menu MoreColors way to get more colors on the screen at once, using aliasing shapes simple color shape designer SpeakIt speech and narrator demo ABasic programs: Games BrickOut classic computer brick wall game Othello also known as 'go' Saucer simple shoot-em-up game Spelling simple talking spelling game ToyBox selectable graphics demo ABasic programs: Sounds Entertainer plays that tune HAL9000 pretends it's a real computer Police simple police siren sound SugarPlum plays "The Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies" C programs: ATerm simple terminal program, S-E cc aid to compiling with Lattice C decvnt opposite of CONVERT program for cross-developers Dotty source code to the 'dotty window' demo echox unix-style filename expansion, partial S, O-D fasterfp explains use of fast-floating point math FixDate fixes future dates on all files on a disk, S-E freedraw simple Workbench drawing program, S-E GfxMem graphic memory usage indicator, S-E Grep searches for a given string in a file, with documentation ham shows off the hold-and-modify method of color generation IBM2Amiga fast parallel cable transfers between an IBM and an Amiga Mandel Mandelbrot set program, S-E moire patterned graphic demo, S-E objfix makes Lattice C object file symbols visible to Wack S-E quick quicksort strings routine raw example sample window I/O setlace turns on interlace mode, S-E sparks qix-type graphic demo, S-E Other executable programs: SpeechToy speech demonstration WhichFont displays all available fonts Texts: 68020 describes 68020 speedup board from CSA Aliases explains several uses of the ASSIGN command Bugs known bug list in Lattice C 3.02 CLICard reference card for AmigaDOS CLI commands CLICommands guide to using the CLI Commands shorter guide to AmigaDOS CLI commands EdCommands guide to the ED editor Filenames explains AmigaDOS filename and wildcard conventions HalfBright explains rare graphics chips that can do more colors ModemPins description of the serial port pinout on the Amiga RAMdisks tips on setting up your RAM: disk ROMWack tips on using ROMWack Sounds explanation of the Instrument demo sound file format Speed refutation of the Amiga's CPU and custom chip speed WackCmds tips on using Wack ================================================================ AMICUS 2 C programs: alib AmigaDOS object library manager, S-E ar text file archive program, S-E fixobj program that auto-chops executable files shell simple CLI shell, S-E sq, usq file compression programs, S-E YachtC a familiar game, S-E Make a simple 'make' programming utility, S-E Emacs an early version of the Amiga text editor, S-E-D Assembler programs: bsearch.asm binary search code qsort.asm Unix compatible qsort() function, source and C test program setjmp.asm setjmp() code for Lattice 3.02 SVprintf Unix system V compatible printf() trees.o Unix compatible tree() function, O-D John Draper Amiga Tutorials: Animate describes animation algorithms Gadgets tutorial on gadgets Menus learn about Intuition menus ================================================================ AMICUS 3 C programs: Xref a C cross-reference generator, S-E 6bitcolor rare extra-half-bright chip graphics demo, S-E Chop program to truncate (chop) files down to size, S-E Cleanup removes strange characters from text files CR2LF converts carriage returns to line feeds in Amiga files, S-E Error adds compile errors to a C file, S Hello window example from the RKM, S Kermit generic Kermit implementation, flakey, no terminal mode, S-E Scales sound demo plays the scales, S-E SkewB Rubik cube demo in hi-res colors, S-E AmigaBasicProgs(dir) Automata cellular automata simulation CrazyEights card game Graph function graphing programs WitchingHour a game ABasiC programs: Casino games of poker, blackjack, dice, and craps Gomoku also known as 'othello' Sabotage sort of an adventure game Executable programs: Disassem a 68000 disassembler, E-D DpSlide shows a given set of IFF pictures, E-D Arrange a text formatting program, E-D Assembler programs: Argoterm a terminal program with speech and Xmodem, S-E ================================================================ AMICUS 4 Files from the original Amiga Technical BBS Note that some of these files are old, and refer to older versions of the operating system. These files came from the Sun system that served as Amiga technical support HQ for most of 1895. These files do not carry a warranty, and are for educational purposes only. Of course, that's not to say they don't work. Complete and nearly up-to-date C source to 'image.ed', an early version of the Icon Editor. This is a little flakey, but compiles and runs. An Intuition demo, in fulll C source, including files: demomenu.c, demomenu2.c, demoreq.c, getascii.c, idemo.c,, idemo.make, idemoall.h, nodos.c, and txwrite.c addmem.c program to add external memory to the system bobtest.c example of BOB use consoleIO.c console IO example creaport.c create and delete ports creastdi.c create standard I/O requests creatask.c creating task examples diskio.c example of track read and write dotty.c source to the 'dotty window' demo dualplay.c dual playfield example flood.c flood fill example freemap.c old version of 'freemap' geltools.c tools for VSprites and BOBs gfxmem.c graphic memory usage indicator hello.c window example from RKM inputdev.c adding an input handler to the input stream joystik.c reading the joystick keybd.c direct keyboard reading layertes.c layers examples mousport.c test mouse port ownlib.c and ownlib.asm, example of making your own library with Lattice paratest.c tests parallel port commands seritest.c tests serial port commands serisamp.c example of serial port use prinintr.c sample printer interface code prtbase.h printer device definitions regintes.c region test program setlace.c source to interlace on/off program setparallel.c set the attributes of the parallel port SetSerial.c set the attributes (parity, data bits) of the serial port singplay.c single playfield example speechtoy.c source to narrator and phonetics demo timedely.c simple timer demo timer.c exec support timer functions timrstuf.c more exec support timer functions WhichFont.c loads and displays all available system fonts process.i and prtbase.i assmebler include files autorqstr.txt warnings of deadlocks with autorequesters consoleIO.txt copy of the RKM console I/O chapter diskfont.txt warning of disk font loading bug fullfunc.txt list of #defines, macros, functions inputdev.txt preliminary copy of the input device chapter license information on Workbench distribution license printer pre-release copy of the chapter on printer drivers, from RKM 1.1 v11fd.txt 'diff' of .fd file changes from version 1.0 to 1.1 v28v1.diff 'diff' of include file changes from version 28 to 1.0 ================================================================ AMICUS 5 Files from the Amiga Link / Amiga Information Network Note that some of these files are old, and refer to older versions of the operating system. These files are from Amiga Link. For a time, Commodore supported Amiga Link, aka AIN, for online developer technical support. It was only up and running for several weeks. These files do not carry a warranty, and are for educational purposes only. Of course, that's not to say they don't work. A demo of Intuition menus called 'menudemo', in C source whereis.c program to find a file, searching all subdirectories bobtest.c BOB programming example sweep.c sound synthesis example Assembler files: mydev.asm sample device driver mylib.asm sample library example mylib.i, mydev.i, asmsupp.i, macros.i assembler include files Texts: amigatricks tips on CLI commands extdisk external disk specification gameport game port spec parallel parallel port spec serial serial port spec v1.1update list of new features in version 1.1 v1.1h.txt 'diff' of include file changes from version 1.0 to 1.1 Files for building your own printer drivers, including dospecial.c, epsondata.c, init.asm, printer.c,, printertag.asm, render.c, and wait.asm. This disk does contain a number of files describing the IFF specification. These are not the latest and greatest files, but remain here for historical purposes. They include text files and C source examples. The latest IFF spec is elsewhere in this library. ================================================================ AMICUS 6 IFF Pictures This disk includes the DPSlide program, which can view a given series of IFF pictures, and the 'showpic' program, which can view each file at the click of an icon, and the 'saveilbm' program, to turn any screen into an IFF picture. The pictures include a screen from ArticFox, a Degas dancer, the guys at Electronic Arts, a gorilla, horses, King Tut, a lighthouse, a screen from Marble Madness, the Bugs Bunny Martian, a still from an old movie, the Dire Straits moving company, a screen from Pinball Contruction Set, a TV newcaster, the PaintCan, a world map, a Porsche, a shuttle mission patch, a tyrannosaurus rex, a planet view, a VISA card, and a ten-speed. ================================================================ AMICUS 7 DigiView HAM demo picture disk This disk has pictures from the DigiView hold-and-modify video digitizer. It includes the ladies with pencils and lollypops, the young girl, the bulldozer, the horse and buggy, the Byte cover, the dictionary page, the robot and Robert. This includes a program to view each picture separately, and all together as separate, slidable screens. ================================================================ AMICUS 8 C programs: Browse to view text files on a disk, using menus, S-E-D Crunch removes comments and whitespace from C files, S-E IconExec program to EXECUTE a series of commands from Workbench S-E PDScreenDump dumps Rastport of highest screen to printer S-E SetAlternate sets a second image for an icon, when clicked once S-E SetWindow makes windows for a CLI program to run under Workbench S-E SmallClock a small digital clock that sits in a window menu bar Scrimper the screen printer in the second Amazing Computing, S-E Amiga Basic Programs: (Note: Many of these programs are present on AMICUS 1. Several of these were converted to Amiga Basic, and are included here.) AddressBook a simple address book database Ball draws a ball Cload program to convert Compuserve hex files to binary, S-D Clue the game, Intuition driven ColorArt art drawing program DeluxeDraw the drawing program in the 3rd issue of Amazing Computing, S-D Eliza conversational computer psychologist Othello the game, as known as 'go' RatMaze 3D ratmaze game ROR boggling graphics demo Shuttle draws 3D pictures of the space shuttle Spelling simple spelling program YoYo wierd zero-gravity yo-yo demo, tracks yo-yo to the mouse Executable programs: 3Dcube Modula-2 demo of a rotating cube AltIcon sets a second icon image, displayed when the icon is clicked AmigaSpell a slow but simple spelling checker, E-D arc the ARC file compression program, must-have for telecom, E-D Bertrand graphics demo disksalvage a program to rescue trashed disks, E-D KwikCopy a quick but nasty disk copy program: ignores errors, E-D LibDir lists hunks in an object file E-D SaveILBM saves any screen as an IFF picture, E-D ?? source ScreenDump shareware screen dump program, E only StarTerm version 2.0, terminal program, Xmodem, E-D Texts: LatticeMain tips on fixing _main.c in Lattice GDiskDrive make your own 5 1/4 drive GuruMed explains the Guru numbers Lat3.03bugs bug list of Lattice C version 3.03 MForgeRev one user's view of the MicroForge hard drive PrintSpooler simple EXECUTE-based print spooling program .BMAP files: These are the necessary links between Amiga Basic and the system libraries. To take advantage of the Amiga's capabilities in Basic, you need these files. BMAPs are included for 'clist', 'console', 'diskfont', 'exec', 'icon', 'intuition', 'layers', 'mathffp', mathieeedoubas', 'mathieeesingbas', 'mathtrans', 'potgo', 'timer' and 'translator'. ================================================================ AMICUS 9 Amiga Basic Programs: FlightSim simple flight simulator program HuePalette explains Hue, Saturation, and Intensity Requester example of doing requesters from Amiga Basic ScrollDemo demonstrates scrolling capabilities Synthesizer sound program WorldMap draws a map of the world Executable programs: Boing! the latest Boing! demo, with selectable speed, E Brush2C converts an IFF brush to C data struct initialization code, E Brush2Icon converts IFF brush to an icon, E Dazzle slick graphics demo, tracks to mouse movements, E DeciGEL assembler program for stoppin 68010 errors, S-E-D Klock menu-bar clock and date display, E life the game of life, E TimeSet Intuition-based way to set the time and date, E MEmacs another Emacs, more oriented to word processing, S-E-D MyCLI a CLI shell, work without a Workbench disk, S-E-D Texts: FnctnKeys explains how to read function keys from Amiga Basic HackerSln explains how to win the game 'hacker' Ist68010 guide to installing a 68010 in your Amiga PrinterTip tips on sending escape sequences to your printer StartupTip tips on setting up your startup-sequence file XfrmrReview list of programs that work with the Transformer Printer Drivers: Printer drivers for the Canon PJ-1080A, the C Itoh Prowriter, an improved Epson driver that eliminates streaking, the Epson LQ-800, the Gemini Star-10, the NEC 8025A, the Okidata ML-92, the Panasonic KX-P10xx family, and the Smith-Corona D300, with a document describing the installation process. ================================================================ AMICUS 10 Instrument sound demos This is an icon-driven demo, circulated to many dealers. It includes the sounds of an acoustic guitar, an alarm, a banjo, a bass guitar, a boink, a calliope, a car horn, claves, water drip, electric guitar, a flute, a harp arpegio, a kickdrum, a marimba, a organ minor chord, people talking, pigs, a pipe organ, a Rhodes piano, a saxophone, a sitar, a snare drum, a steel drum, bells, a vibrophone, a violin, a wailing guitar, a horse whinny, and a whistle. ================================================================ AMICUS 11 AMICUS Disk 11 C programs dirutil Intuition-based, CLI replacement manager S-E cpri shows and adjusts priority of CLI processes, S-E ps shows info on CLI processes, S-E vidtex displays Compuserve RLE pics, S-E AmigaBasic programs pointered pointer and sprite editor program optimize optimization example from AC article calendar large, animated calendar, diary and date book program amortize loan amortizations brushtoBOB converts small IFF brushes to AmigaBasic BOB OBJECTS grids draw and play waveforms hilbert draws Hilbert curves madlib mad lib story generator mailtalk talking mailing list program meadows3D 3D graphics program, from AC article mousetrack mouse tracking example in hires mode slot slot machine game tictactoe the game switch pachinko-like game weird makes strange sounds Executable programs cp unix-like copy command, E cls screen clear, S-E diff unix-like stream editor uses 'diff' output to fix files pm chart recorder performances indicator Assembler programs cls screen clear and CLI arguments example Modula-2 trails moving-worm graphics demo caseconvert converts Modula-2 keywords to uppercase Forth Breshehan circle algorithm example Analyze 12 templates for the spreadsheet Analyze There are four programs here that read Commodore 64 picture files. They can translate Koala Pad, Doodle, Print Shop and News Room graphics to IFF format. Getting the files from your C-64 to your Amiga is the hard part. ================================================================ AMICUS 12 Executable programs blink 'alink' compatible linker, but faster, E-D clean spins the disk for use with disk cleaners, E-D epsonset sends Epson settings to PAR: from menu, E-D showbig view hi-res pictures in low-res superbitmap, E-D speaktime tell the time, E-D undelete undeletes a file, E-D cnvapldhm converts Apple ][ low, medium and high res pictures to IFF, E-D menued menu editor produces C code for menus, E-D quick quick disk-to-disk nibble copier, E-D quickEA copies Electronic Arts disks, removes protection, E-D txed 1.3 demo of text editor from Microsmiths, E-D C programs spin3 rotating blocks graphics demo, S-E-D popcli start a new CLI at the press of a button, like Sidekick, S-E-D vsprite VSprite example code from Commodore, S-E-D AmigaBBS Amiga Basic bulletin board program, S-D Assembler programs star10 makes star fields like Star Trek intro, S-E-D Pictures Mount Mandelbrot 3D view of Mandelbrot set Star Destroyer hi-res Star Wars starship Robot robot arm grabbing a cylinder Texts vendors list of Amiga vendors, names, addresses cardco fixes to early Cardco memory boards cinclude cross-reference to C include files, who includes what mindwalker clues to playing the game well slideshow make your own slideshows from the Kaleidoscope disk ================================================================ AMICUS 13 Amiga Basic programs Routines from Carolyn Scheppner of CBM Tech Support, to read and display IFF pictures from Amiga Basic. With documentation. Also included is a program to do screen prints in Amiga Basic, and the newest BMAP files, with a corrected ConvertFD program. With example pictures, and the SaveILBM screen capture program. Routines to load and play FutureSound and IFF sound files from Amiga Basic, by John Foust for Applied Visions. With documentation and C and assembler source for writing your own libraries, and interfacing C to assembler in libraries. With example sound. Executable programs gravity Sci Amer Jan 86 gravitation graphic simulation, S-E-D Texts MIDI make your own MIDI instrument interface, with documentation and a hi-res schematic picture. ================================================================ AMICUS 14 Several programs from Amazing Computing issues: Tools Dan Kary's C structure index program, S-E-D Amiga Basic programs BMAP Reader by Tim Jones IFFBrush2BOB by Mike Swinger AutoRequester example Executable programs DOSHelper Windowed help system for CLI commands, S-E-D PETrans translates PET ASCII files to ASCII files, S-E-D C Squared Graphics program from Scientific American, Sept 86, S-E-D crlf adds or removes carriage returns from files, S-E-D dpdecode decrypts Deluxe Paint, removes copy protection, E-D queryWB asks Yes or No from the user, returns exit code, S-E vc VisiCalc type spreadsheet, no mouse control, E-D view views text files with window and slider gadget, E-D Oing, Sproing, yaBoing, Zoing are sprite-based Boing! style demos, S-E-D CLIClock, sClock, wClock are window border clocks, S-E-D Texts An article on long-persistance phosphor monitors Tips on making brushes of odd shapes in Deluxe Paint Recommendations on icon interfaces from Commodore-Amiga ================================================================ AMICUS 15 C programs pr a file printing utility, which can print files in the background, and with line numbers and control character filtering. fm displays a chart of the blocks allocated on a disk. Ask questions an 'execute' file, returns an error code to control the execution in that batch file Stat an enhanced version of AmigaDOS 'status' command. Dissolve random-dot dissolve demo displays IFF picture slowly, dot by dot, in a random fashion. 'PopCLI2' invoke new CLI window at the press of a key. Executable programs Form file formatting program through the printer driver to select print styles DiskCat catalogs disks, maintains, sorts, merges lists of disk files Perfect Sound SunRize Industries' sampled sound editor & recorder Iconmaker makes icons for most programs Fractals draws great fractal seascapes and mountainscapes. 3D Breakout with 3D glasses, create breakout in a new dimension AmigaMonitor displays lists of open files, memory use, tasks, devices and ports in use. Cosmoroids version of 'asteroids' for the Amiga. Sizzlers high resolution graphics demo written in Modula 2. Texts ansi.txt explains escape sequences the CON: device responds to. FKey includes template for making paper to sit in the tray at the top of the Amiga keyboard. Spawn programmer's document from Commodore Amiga, describes ways to use the Amiga's multitasking capabilities in your own programs. AmigaBasic programs Grids draw sound waveforms, and hear them played. Light a version of the Tron light-cycle video game. MigaSol a game of solitaire. Stats program to calculate batting averages Money game of "try to grab all the bags of money that you can." AMICUS 15 also includes two beautiful IFF pictures of the enemy walkers from the ice planet in Star Wars and a picture of a cheetah. ================================================================ AMICUS 16 Juggler demo by Eric Graham. A robot juggler bouncing three mirrored balls, with sound effects. Twenty-four frames of HAM animation are flipped quickly to produce this image. You control the speed of the juggling. The author's documentation hints that this program might someday be available as a product. IFF pictures Parodies of the covers of Amiga World and Amazing Computing magazines. C programs: Inputhandler example of making an input handler. FileZap3 binary file editing program ShowPrint displays IFF picture, and prints it. Gen program indexes and retrieves C structures and variables declared in the Amiga include file system. Executable programs FixHunk2 repairs an executable program file for expanded memory ms2smus converts Music Studio files to IFF standard 'SMUS' format. Might be buggy with long songs. Missile Amiga version of the 'Missile Command' video game This disk also contains several files of scenarios for Amiga Flight Simulator II. By putting one of these seven files on a blank disk, and inserting it in the drive after performing a special command in this game, a number of interesting locations are preset into the Flight Simulator program. For example, one scenario places your plane on Alcatraz, while another puts you in Central Park ================================================================ AMICUS 17 Telecommunications disk Comm V1.33 term prog. with Xmodem, WXmodem, ATerm V7.2 term prog. includes Super Kermit VT-100 V2.6 Dave Wecker's VT-100 emulator with Xmodem, Kermit, and scripting Amiga Kermit V4D(060) port of the Unix C-Kermit VTek V2.3.1 Tektronix graphics terminal emulator AmigaHost V0.9 for Compuserve. Includes RLE graphics abilities and CIS-B file transfer protocol. FixHunk expansion memory necessity FixObj removes garbage characters from modem received files Txt filters text files from other systems to work on Amiga addmem executeable version for use with memory expansion article in AC v2.1 arc file documentation and a basic tutorial on un 'arc'ing files arcre for making arc files S-E ================================================================ AMICUS 18 Logo Amiga version of the popular computer language, with example programs, E-D Tv*Text Demo version of the TV*Text character generator PageSetter Freely distributable versions of the updated PagePrint and PageIFF programs for the PageSetter desktop publishing package. FullWindow Resizes any CLI window using only CLI commands, E-D Life3d 3-D version of Conway's LIFE program, E-D Defdisk CLI utility to re-assign a new Workbench disk, S-E-D Calendar.WKS Lotus-compatible worksheet that makes calendars SetKey Demo of keyboard key re-programmer, with IFF picture to make function key labels, E-D VPG Video pattern generator for aligning monitors, E-D HP-10C Hewlett-Packard-like calculator, E-D SetPrefs Change the Preferences settings on the fly, in C, S-E-D StarProbe Program studies stellar evolution. C source included for Amiga and MS-DOS, S-E-D ROT C version of Colin French's AmigaBasic ROT program from Amazing Computing. ROT edits and displays polygons to create three dimensional objects. Up to 24 frames of animation can be created and displayed. E-D Scat Like Ing, windows on screen run away from the mouse, E-D DK "Decays" the CLI window into dust, in Modula 2, S-E-D DropShadow2 Adds layered shadows to Workbench windows, E-D ================================================================ AMICUS 19 This disk carries several programs from Amazing Computing. The IFF pictures on this disk include the Amiga Wake part T-shirt logo, a sixteen-color hi-res image of Andy Griffith, and five Amiga Live! pictures from the Amazing Stories episode that featured the Amiga. Solve Linear equation solver in assembly language, S-E-D Gadgets Bryan Catley's AmigaBasic tutorial, S-D Household Bryan Catley's AmigaBasic household inventory program, S-D Waveform Jim Shields' Waveform Workshop in AmigaBasic, S-D DiskLib John Kennan's AmigaBasic disk librarian program, S-D Subscripts Ivan Smith's AmigaBasic subscript example, S-D String, Boolean C programs and executables for Harriet Maybeck Tolly's Intuition tutorials, S-E-D Skinny C Bob Riemersma's example for making small C programs, S-E-D COMAL.h Make C look like COMAL header file, S-D EmacsKey Makes Emacs function key definitions by Greg Douglas, S-D AMon 1.1 Snoop on system resource use, E-D BTE Bard's Tale character editor, E-D Size CLI program shows the size of a given set of files, E-D WinSize CLI window utility resizes current window, S-E-D ================================================================ AMICUS 20 Compactor, Decoder Steve Michel's AmigaBasic tools, S-D BobEd BOB and sprite editor written in C, S-E-D SpriteMasterII Sprite editor and animator by Brad Kiefer, E-D BlitLab Blitter chip exploration C program by Tomas Rokicki, S-E-D FPic Image processing program by Bob Bush loads and saves IFF images, changes them with several techniques, E-D Bankn Complete home banking program, balance your checkbook! E-D ================================================================ AMICUS 21 Target Makes each mouse click sound like a gunshot, S-E-D Sand Simple game of sand that follows the mouse pointer, E-D PropGadget Harriet Maybeck Tolly's proportional gadget example, S-E EHB Checks to see if you have extra-half-bright graphics, S-E-D Piano Simple piano sound program CelScripts Makes cel animation scripts for Aegis Animator, in AmigaBasic This disk has electronic catalogs for AMICUS disks 1 to 20 and Fish disks 1 to 80. They are viewed with the DiskCat program, included here. ================================================================ AMICUS 22 Cycles Light cycle game, E-D Show_PrintII Views and prints IFF pictures, including larger than screen PrtDrvGen2.3 Latest version of a printer driver generator Animations VideoScape animations of planes and boing ball Garden Makes fractal gardenscapes BasicSorts Examples of binary search and insertion sort in AmigaBasic # 30 #